We capped off a glorious weekend starring Lily with a trip to the beach. Last time Lily and I went to the beach, we were young(er) and in Florida. I got up early and strolled, we rendezvoused in the middle of the day, and after I went to bed, Lily went moonbathing. As usual, on this trip, Lily’s nocturnal tendencies were in evidence. Saturday night, long after the Baby Goth had sent Mr. Mock and me to bed exhausted, Lily prowled the neighbourhood. She found an off track betting establishment, at which she wagered four dollars on a horse race taking place in Japan. Then she stumbled onto Orthodox Easter midnight services. You know, just a night in the life.
When you go to the beach with Lily, she makes a graveyard.

See this one here? White graves at about five o’clock are graves of fallen soldiers. Twelve o’clock is the rich people, who can afford fancy, multi-coloured marble. Ten o’clock = old section, where the graves are weathering. And of course the big honking stone is for the town’s founder.